i'm out
of africa, of energy, of almost everything
i truly am out of energy, out of energy to scratch another bug bite or rash, out of energy to finish my paper, out of energy to sleep (though i really need to, but my flight to Stockholm leaves at 7:40 a.m. so i am going back to the airport soon), and out of energy to write
so i will keep this short...as short as possible
chance, james and i had an eventful day going to Douala on thursday (i think it was thursday, though i asked James that day 4 times what day it was, and now i forget) going to get some fabric which we couldn't find and then some gifts and then following me to get postcards and then Vietnamese food, which was fitting because Loan was not with us but her culture was represented and then to the airport and those two checking in and then having a beer with Takor and saying goodbye to him and them leaving me in the air conditioning to wait to check in for 5 hours (not until 3:30 a.m.) while i nodded in and out of consciousness (as i did that entire morning after i checked in for my flight - at one point i was woken up to get on the plane and my left leg and arm were asleep so i could barely walk)
and now i'm in london after two airplane food meals and an amazing meal at Wagamama and watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Trafalgar Square and then to the internet and it is so fast that i haven't known what to do with myself
i have spent 2 hours now and really only done a few things, but here are two photos (including the one at top), and i promise more to come, one of chance on the first day i brought out a ball and the other one of some cool glasses on some cool people,

and i can now say, in the language of you people, bye de bye bye
to the bugs, to the bruises, to the starches, and almost to the dirtiness (i need to take a shower first)
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