my last day at the field (i gave my cleats to the young construction worker who helped with the mini sports complex - he and he brother played with me on this day)

children playing soccer in Banya

the blocks we moved at the mini sports complex

with the Bachuo Ntai female football team (and other random villagers and George Ashu)

with the Bachuo Ntai female football team (and other random villagers and George Ashu)

me with the Bachuo Ntai village at the clean-up (with some previous supplies donated to the village)
wonderful pictures
hey Hunter,
how are you? Can you please give me the emailadress of Courtney. I would be very very grateful.
thank youuuu
greetings from wiesje
Hiya Hunter,
Great pictures indeed. It was awesome, seeing my home,"Bachuo-Akagbe" again. Thanks a million fold dude.
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